My students would like to know if anyone celebrates Halloween or Día de Los Muertos in Argentina.
Many of my students in Sapulpa, Oklahoma dressed up in costumes and went Trick-or-Treating with their younger family members on Monday night for Halloween.
Thanks Jessica!
Unfortunately, it is not so common to celebrate Halloween here so the only place where we can celebrate it, is at English Institutes.Children dress up in costumes and there are games, music and costumes parades. There are even prizes for the winners!
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Video Classes: How to suggest songs for our video classes: On FACEBOOK search for IOR (Instituto Oxford Rosario). Or on INSTAGRAM search for @oxfordrosario.
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Comments (2)
Jessica Lanterman said
at 7:10 pm on Nov 1, 2011
Nice page! Great Halloween links!
My students would like to know if anyone celebrates Halloween or Día de Los Muertos in Argentina.
Many of my students in Sapulpa, Oklahoma dressed up in costumes and went Trick-or-Treating with their younger family members on Monday night for Halloween.
Verónica said
at 10:16 am on Nov 2, 2011
Thanks Jessica!
Unfortunately, it is not so common to celebrate Halloween here so the only place where we can celebrate it, is at English Institutes.Children dress up in costumes and there are games, music and costumes parades. There are even prizes for the winners!
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