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Laura Sexton-North Carolina, USA

Page history last edited by Laura Sexton 12 years, 4 months ago Saved with comment

 Some of the students in our class made podcasts of our most recent Skype discussions about bullying and vacations, and others made podcasts about Facebook conversations with our amigos.


Check out our podcasts!     Hayden's     Jared's     Ayla's     Niamh's



Nuestra Clase

Eli y Kelsey no pueden estar presente el día de jueves


Comments (2)

Camii♥ said

at 3:57 pm on Oct 8, 2011

Wow que Lindo poder conocernos .. Me encanto la experiencia que tuvimos el día jueves Son chicos muy amigables y divertidos.. Jajaja Pasenme sus Face ;)
Wow nice to know .. I loved the experience we had on Thursday are very friendly and funny guys .. Lol Tell me how are your facebooks Jajaja

Verónica said

at 1:51 pm on Nov 15, 2011

Fantastic glogsters!! You've worked a lot! Can't wait to our next meeting this Thursday.

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